Sunday, January 24, 2010

my little PUMPKIN...:)

anup.....means incomparable,unequalled,natural leader and a human figure that others can look to and aspire to
and u KNOW, Majority of Anup's are blessed with good looks, and are considered Legends..........
and AS your name is suggesting u truely Incomparable, Natural leader and blessed with soo many gud things......but dose are not worth for are some1 who love to behave weird,and unpredictable....but for me you are not upto dat limit...those people r very rare who come to know about your actuall personailty...bcoz it makes easy for them to handle you.....and i know dey are 1-2....but u dont like dat someone ,to judge your emotions...either u dont want to share with them ..or dont want to look weaker.....
life is not simple for you...but it really storing something precious for you....its all upto you in which way you are accepting it....but one thing which is important that there are soo many people who love u ,and care abt are not like other people who just want to spend life u are given soo many challenges and tasks to perform...soo nvr loose your heart r here with something spl in you..
p.s abt love...u don't beleive is  a 4 letter word for one day surely will come wen u love someone beyond your limits..!!!

A friend that is unique
A friend that is one of a kind
A friend that is perfect
A type of friend who is hard to find

A friend with an amazing spirit
A friend with a striking heart
A friend that is trustworthy
A friend that is smart
A friend that assuages your pain
A friend that can dry your tear
A friend that can alleviate your fears
A friend with an exquisite smile
That could never be ignored

A friend that is easily adored
A friend that is respectful
A friend who is loved by all
A friend that is relied upon
A friend to never let fall
A friend you can talk to
Her compassion is known by a glistening glow
Just by sparking her remarkable light
The whole world will know
What a great and amazing person she is
A friend I shall never forget
She is the greatest ever been known
Best of all the friends I’ve ever met…

love mani:)